Management training titles
Issuance, signature, electronic delivery and verification
Sustituye de forma rápida y cómoda los títulos, diplomas y certificaciones tradicionales por documentos firmados y certificados digitalmente, de forma masiva, reduciendo tiempo y costes.
Verify the validity of a digitally signed document in a convenient and simple VERIFY DOCUMENT
Cuenta Empresarial
Academias, Colegios Profesionales, Ayuntamientos, Sindicatos, ...
- Gestión de cursos, eventos, participantes, ...
- Template Designer
- Import from Excel
- Generation, signing and submission of documents
Cuenta Alumno
Participants of the courses or events, students, workers, ...
- Receive diplomas in minutes
- It centralizes all your certifications
- Allow third party access to your file
- You will be able to access your file at any time
We called him
If you want us to contact you to resolve any questions, or if you do a demonstration of, our technical team will contact you in the schedule to indicate as soon as possible.